Scottish Land and Sea- Two Perspectives exhibition @Dundas Street Gallery Edinburgh

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It’s finally here! After nearly a year of planning (basically booking the space, painting regularly and hoping lockdown will be a thing of the past) we will be opening our doors tomorrow at 10am for the two person exhibition titled ‘Scottish Land and Sea- two perspectives’. Gill Knight and I are Edinburgh based artists and first time we are hosting a show on our own. The whole day was taken up by packing, transporting and hanging nearly 60 paintings in total. The Dundas street gallery is a lovely space located below the Fine Art Society. Quite by coincidence, I notice that two of my inspirational artists are exhibiting nearby! Joan Eardley at the Fine Art Society and Victoria Crowe at the Scottish Gallery. If you are in Edinburgh over the next week, do drop in and say hello. The details of the new work that I will be exhibiting can be found here.